Welcome to the 2018 Kettle Valley Express
The Kettle Valley Express is your complete guide to Rail Trails in South Central British Columbia! This guide explores the Kettle Valley Railway, Columbia and Western Railway, and Highway #3 through the Okanagan, Boundary Country, and West Kootenay regions. Use the navigation menu near the top of the page to find your region or activity of interest in the guide, then browse our business listing and view maps under the resource tab.
We are in the process of updating all the stories and the new map and will have it done so come back soon and don’t stay away too long!

Cover Photo courtesy: Craig Lawrence
Photo taken along the Slocan River by the Walter Clough Wildlife Sanctuary, which is north of the Lemon Creek Trailhead of the SVRT. Hundreds of Arctic swans as well as large flocks of geese and ducks spend the winter in this area, feeding and mating. This is a popular winter ski destination for many with the large bench in the photo being a desireable rest stop to enjoy the vista of the river, the wildlife and the mountains of the Valhalla Provincial Park as a backdrop.
It is with great appreciation to all our advertisers, contributors and supporters that we present the 2018 edition, #6 of the Kettle Valley Express. Our vision of working together with our neighboring communities, businesses, organizations and government bodies to develop a publication for South Central BC has come full circle and we couldn’t have done it without all of you. From trail groups to government and tourism agencies, business owners to locals & visitors, your support and encouragement is our success story.
We have been working closely this year with stakeholders and have brought new information about this region and a new design for our pull out map. Use this magazine and included Rail Trail Map to create a travel plan that takes you through South Central BC.
Start in Hope at the world famous Othello Tunnels, then Princeton and on to to historic Myra Canyon, Mile Zero Midway, Christina Lake, Ainsworth Hot S prings on Kootenay Lake and all points in between. Ride the scenic, free Kootenay Lake Ferry from Balfour to the artisan community of Crawford Bay.We can only include a small fraction of the places to see and things to do, so don’t forget check out our advertisers and stop into the local Visitor Info Centres and museums to pick up detailed local maps, brochures and information on their trails, events and ammenities.
One of the previous issues, 2016 #4, garnered a Silver Win at the prestigious Summit Marketing Effectiveness Awards. 1,100 entries from 12 countries, competing against $30 million annual budget companies. The win was for more than just good design. The goal of marketing communictions is to change, influence or reinforce an audience’s knowledge, attitudes or beliefs and The Kettle Valley Express is doing just that.
We can only include a small fraction of the places to see and things to do in the magazine and website, so don’t forget to check out our advertisers businesses and stop into the local Visitor Information Centres and museums etc, to pick up detailed local maps, brochures and information on their trails, events and ammenities.
Happy Trails, -the Kettle Valley Express team
We would like to thank all of the businesses and people, who believed in our vision enough, to invest their advertising dollars, photos, stories and enthusiasm, so we could bring it to life
Angéle Ortega, Princeton City, Penticton City, Route 3B Rossland Trail & Area, Columbia & Western Trail Society, Quad Riders Association, Grand Forks Community Trails Society, Slocan Valley Rail Trail Society: Craig Lawrence.
Ciel Sander, Sandra McAndrew, Rosie Gartner, Barbara Bleiler, Lisa Cartwright, Renna Hoolsema, Steve Young, Chris Moslin, Paul Cottons, Hope: Joeseph Bowman Princeton: Darren Robinson, Treena McLeod, Columbia & Western Trail Society: Scott Calvert, Quad Riders of BC, Hoodo Adventures: Mike Hill, Grand Forks Gallery 2, Tourism Rossland – Marseille, Tourism Rossland – Heath, Tourism Rossland – RFlett, Slocan Valley Rail Trail Society, Fry Creek Bridge: Angéle Ortega, Crawford Bay Artisans, Back cover photo: Todd McCracken.
This 2018 Kettle Valley Express Adventure Travel Guide is published by Vicom Design Inc. All contents copyright 2016 by Vicom Design Inc. Vicom Design Inc. assumes no responsibility for any claims or misrepresentations contained in this magazine or in any submission or advertisement. No portion of this magazine or included map, may be reproduced without the written consent of Vicom Design Inc., vicomdesign.com, and or contributing writers and photographers.
PO Box 385; 687 72nd Avenue, Grand Forks, BC, V0H 1H0 ~ 250-442-3731