All Aboard The Kettle Valley Express!

The Kettle Valley Express Adventure Travel Guide is now taking advertising bookings for the 2019 issue. Book your advertising spot with only 20% down; then make your own payment schedule! Final booking deadline December 15 2018.
As an advertiser in The Kettle Valley Express, you receive a free listing on our Business Listings page with location, contact info and links to your web site & email. Recieve your listing when you book for 2018
Call 250-442-3731 or email: to find out more
The Kettle Valley Express Adventure Travel Guide
In 2012 the Kettle Valley Express was created, connected Hope to the Kootenays and in 2013, published it’s first yearly, all seasons travel guide for South Central BC using BC’s rail trails to connect the communities and attract new visitors.
Research shows, for approximately every 2 hours of driving time, visitors would stay one night. Using the Kettle Valley Express, the reader can make a travel plan starting at the western terminus for the Kettle Valley Railway in Hope, following the stories, travel Hwy #3 thru Princeton across to the Okanagan and Hwy 97, then over to the Boundary, West Kootenay’s and Slocan.
The visitor could stop a day or two to explore the attractions, visit the advertisers and off to the next, spending a week or two to cross the region and explore.
It was once believed that the internet would put magazines out of business but what has been found out, is that magazine numbers have increased due to the internet. Both mediums work together to enhance each others visibility. People check out websites from magazines and order magazines thru websites.
This site is a robust, free access, companion to the print edition with archived issues and downloadable pdfs of the magazine and map, regional and city links and a business listings page, (listing included free with booking advertisment). We are active in Social Media and promote our advertisers and other trail information on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.
We network with other media companies and actively promote the magazine and website with a large panel advertisment on 6 info billboards in key locations throughout Boundary Country and the West Kootenays .
Our newly redone removable maps Hope to Mile Zero Midway and Mile Zero to Kaslo of South Central BC featuring the rail trails is the most complete BC Rail Trail map in print.
Thinking outside the box has allowed us to produce a popular and well received publication that is gaining attention.
We are forming more dynamic partnerships and initiatives for the 2018 issue that will add depth, character and yet more reasons to advertise.
What makes us different from other publications?
There is no guarantee that any marketing or advertising can give you, about your ROI (Return On Investment) on your marketing dollar
The goal of successful print advertising and marketing then, is to increase the views per dollar of that message!
The comment from businesses and visitor centres distributing the KVE, is that “it is hard to keep them on the shelves” “fastest moving magazine here”…… which shows a very high rate of views per dollar for any advertisement.
A unique, visually enticing front cover that stands out on the rack among the other magazines and brochures. We have a large removable map of South Central BC featuring the rail trails. The most complete BC Rail Trail map in print. The map for 2017 is being improved and enhanced.
Check out Hope to Mile Zero Midway and Mile Zero to Kaslo
Our stories are informative and reflect the flavor and uniqueness of each community. We embrace hearing story ideas that the people in the communities want to tell visitors.
Support from area merchants reflects the voice of the people who live and do business here and what they want.
Large distribution and circulation (50,000 and growing). Full Distribution information HERE
We actively promote the magazine and website. Large panel ad on 6 info billboards throughout Boundary Country and the West Kootenays.
Testimonial letter: I saw your magazine at Vancouver airport. I was there to pick up my mom, and while I waited I saw a copy had been left by someone on the seat next to me, so I picked it up and read through it. My wife and I rode part of the railway near Kelowna—can’t remember the name now, but it’s the section on the east side of the lake that passes over a series of trestles. We’ve been talking about going back and riding that stretch and other stretches ever since. So when I read through your magazine, I realized we now have a single resource to help us plan our trip. We’d been putting it off partly because we didn’t know of an easy single resource with all the info we need before this. So thanks for putting the magazine together! I think it’ll be really helpful for us.